Il primo ghiaccio.

Ancora presto per chiamare le pattinatrici del Gruppo Bassa Val Lemme, ma siamo sulla buona strada. Ho mandato la foto a Miriam sul cellulare, mi ha risposto con una mano che fa OK, non credo abbia notato il sottile strato di ghiaccio che copre 2/3 della Pozzanghera, altrimenti la sua reazione sarebbe stata ben diversa; sotto i 20 gradi centigradi per lei la temperatura è disumana.

Naturalmente io vorrei che piovesse un po’, ma intanto apprezzo le temperature rigide di mattina, fa bene alle piante.

Il rosso è ancora il colore dominante, non ho ritoccato la foto, un po’ di brina, la stazione meteo di Basaluzzo segna -2.2°.

Notizie da oltre Oceano. C’è un po’ di apprensione in vista del Thanksgiving, negazionisti del COVID, adoratori di Trump e sempliciotti urbani e rurali hanno già detto che per loro sarà una celebrazione come quella di tutti gli anni e stante che la tradizione è forte, si teme che la ricorrenza ed i pranzi collegati facciano impennare i contagi. Ecco cosa si dice in un condominio a caso a New York.

November 24, 2020

To:     All Unit Owners and Residents

Re:     COVID-19 UPDATE – Limiting Size of Private Gatherings


Dear Residents:

In response to the uptick in Covid-19 cases in NYC, Governor Cuomo issued a new Executive Order on November 13, and one of the main points of this Order is the limitation on “non-essential private residential gatherings to 10 or fewer individuals for any lawful purpose or reason.”

Accordingly, with Thanksgiving and the holiday season approaching, we urge all Unit Owners and residents to abide by the most recent restrictions and safety guidelines.

  • We strongly encourage you to restrict private social gatherings to your immediate household.  Although you may have already made plans for a large get-together with family members and friends, it is important to place safety first.  If necessary, please strongly consider canceling your plans / invitations and know that your guests will probably appreciate the gesture of putting their health first by not having a large gathering.
  • To ensure an orderly process, for any planned small gathering, please provide a list of guests with their contact information to the Front Desk in advance of any planned event.  All guests should be informed they will have their temperatures checked and may also be required to answer questions about their health before being allowed access beyond the building lobby.
  • Guests without masks will not be permitted entry to the building.

E poi ci sarebbe questa innocente storiella/barzelletta che gira e che è così moderata da essere collosa, ma la salvo qui per leggerla ogni tanto.

One sunny day in late January 2021 an old man approached the White House

from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he’d been sitting on a park

bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, “I would

like to go in and meet with President Trump.” The Marine looked at the
man and said, “Sir, Mr Trump is no longer President and no longer
resides here.” The old man said, “Okay”, and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to
the same Marine, “I would like to go in and meet with President Trump.”
The Marine repeated, “Sir, as I told you yesterday, Mr Trump is no
longer President and no longer resides here.” The man thanked him and,
again, just walked away.

The third day, the old man approached the White House and spoke to the
very same U.S. Marine, saying again, “I would like to go in and meet
with President Trump.” The Marine, understandably irritated at this
point, looked at the man and said, “Sir, this is the third day in a row
you’ve been here asking to speak to Trump. I’ve told you each time that
he’s no longer the President and no longer resides here. Don’t you get
it?” The old man looked at the Marine and said, “Oh, I understand. I
just love hearing it.”
The Marine snapped to attention and said, “See you tomorrow, Sir!”

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3 Responses to Il primo ghiaccio.

  1. Massimo e Rosalba says:

    carinissima! ciao 🙂
    Max e Ross
    (anche noi ci torneremmo tutte le mattine)

  2. Massimo e Rosalba says:

    haha, qualche anno fa stavamo per andare all’isola da dove estraggono (estraevano?) il granito per i “boccioni” ma fece mare grosso, e saltò tutto, sigh… forse meglio dedicarci alle scopette 😉

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