Intanto a New York.

October 28, 2020

To All Unit Owners and Residents

Notice of Curtailment of Halloween Activities Within and Around the Building

Due to the continuing need to be cautious and on guard against the spread of the Covid 19 Virus, the Board, in consultation with management, has made the decision to not permit the normal “Trick or Treating” activities in the building this year.

In addition, building staff has been advised that they are not to permit any such activities within the lobby area.

If anyone is planning on hosting a small gathering, please ensure that proper precautions are taken, including adherence with established NYC DOH/CDC guidelines, and ensure that any invited guests are made aware that completion of the Health Questionnaire is necessary as well.  If you are hosting such a small gathering, please notify Front Desk staff in advance to assist in expediting matters.  

Thank you for your understanding of these limitations and restrictions which are adopted as part of the ongoing efforts to work to ensure the overall health and welfare of the building residents and staff.         

Trick or treat my ass. (dolcetto o scherzetto un cazzo).

In alternativa potrebbero fare “cough and quarantine” oppure “sneeze and go to ER” ma anche “mask and keep the fuck at home”.

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